Libraries @ Your Door is a free service of the Miami-Dade Public Library System that allows customers to have Library items mailed to their home at no charge.
Items are shipped directly from the branch that owns the item. Customers with a valid email address will receive a message when the package is shipped. The email will include a tracking number along with a link to a list of MDPLS locations. The branch that shipped the item is responsible for handling all inquiries, returns and cancellations.
If you’d like to give us your feedback or have any questions about this service, you can also contact our Customer Care team via email at
The address of the local branch that provided the materials will be listed as the return address on the shipping label.
Customers may ship items back to that address at their own expense, drop off the book in any MDPLS book drop or return them in-person at any branch. The reusable nylon bag must be returned with the items.
If they are unable to return the items to the Library due to health issues, a disability, a lack of transportation or because they are a caregiver, they should apply for Connections, which offers free return postage. Connections has a separate application which can be found on our website at
No. Although a tracking number is provided, no signature is required.
All current circulation policies and borrower responsibilities apply to items shipped by Libraries @ Your Door, except 6 additional days are added to the circulation period of every item to account for the shipping time. Items auto-renew up to three times, if no one is waiting for them.